MLB Bargain Bin Ballers FAQ

Players that fall under the price thresholds listed below, and appear in the starting lineup found on our lineups page, will be ranked on the Bargain Bin Ballers page.

Bargain Bin Ballers Explained

Here is some information to help guide you through the data available within this incentive.


OPP-SP Opposing starting pitcher last name
BATS Player’s batting hand
SPHAND Opposing starting pitcher throwing hand
BOP Batting order position
ISOLR Isolated Power vs. left/right Handed Pitching (based on day’s opposing SP)
wOBALR Weighted on-base average vs. left/right handed pitching (based on day’s opposing SP)
SP SIERA Starting pitcher SIERA
SPwOBA Starting pitcher weighted on-base average (wOBA) allowed versus left/right handed hitters (depending on hitter’s handedness)

Batting Order Position Color Coding

Batting positions shown in green are batting 1st-5th in today’s lineup.
Batting positions shown in yellow are batting 6th-7th in today’s lineup.
Batting positions shown in red are batting either 8th or 9th in today’s lineup.

Batter Hand Matchup Color Coding

Batter handedness shown in green indicates a positive matchup (Right-handed batter versus left-handed pitcher, or vice versa).

Batter Left/Right Splits Color Coding

Splits shown in green indicate above average splits for the given lefty/righty matchup.
Splits shown in yellow indicate average splits for the given lefty/righty matchup.
Splits shown in red indicate below average splits for the given lefty/righty matchup.

Price Cutoffs to Qualify as Bargain Bin Baller

FanDuel $2700
DraftKings $3500
FantasyAces $4500
Victiv $3500
DraftDay $6500
FantasyFeud $45000

Daily Research FAQ

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