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FanDuel Announces 2016 WFFC

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With the 2016 NFL season just around the corner, FanDuel has announced the details of its 2016 World Fantasy Football Championship, to be held December 16th, 17th, and 18th at the Terranea Resort in Rancho Palos Verdes, California. “Win Your Way to Heaven,” is the tagline FanDuel has chosen, and if your heaven includes a shot at becoming a millionaire and meeting Joe Montana, they’re right.

Starting on September 8th, FanDuel will run multiple qualifiers (and occasionally “Super Qualifiers”) each NFL week, and when it’s all said and done, 100 finalists will compete for $5 million in cash prizes.

While the magnitude of this year’s prizes don’t quite match 2015’s historic numbers, there’s still a lot at stake, including a $1 million grand prize, $500,000 second-place prize, and $300,000 going to the third place finisher. All live finalists will take home at least $10,000.

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For three days, live finalists will be invited to enjoy the sunshine, rub elbows with Joe Montana, and sweat out the games on big screen TVs from beach-side couches.

The VIP package (valued at $3000) awarded to Qualifier Winners includes a $1000 airfare credit, one-way transfer from the airport to the event hotel, three nights’ accommodations at the Terranea Resort, and entry for two to the additional events including a Friday welcome reception on December 18th, a Saturday special event on December 17th, and the WFFC Final Sunday Championship viewing party on December 18th. In other words, you’ll stay busy.

There’s no shortage of opportunities to qualify, with FanDuel running qualifiers at various price points ranging from $3 to $1000. FanDuel will limit users to three entries into the 2016 WFFC.

If you plan on taking a shot at this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity but have yet to create a FanDuel account, be sure to click through the RotoGrinders links to get five free contest entries after your first deposit and free FanDuel Incentives for a year.

About the Author

Josh Cole (mewhitenoise)

Josh Cole (mewhitenoise) is a high school English teacher and contributor at RotoGrinders. You can find him on Twitter @joshuabcole.