PGA Weather for the Arnold Palmer Invitational. Follow Roth on Twitter, @KevinRothWx.
orange THURS AM - Winds are strongest early in the morning prior to golfers teeing off, and will slowly decrease through the day. That still leaves us with sustained winds early morning 15-20mph and gusts close to 30mph, likely down a bit by noon to around or a bit over 15mph sustained winds with gusts around 25mph.
yellow THURS PM - Winds are still an issue through the early afternoon, sustained winds around (or a hair over) 15mph, gusts 25mph. By the late afternoon those sustained winds drop to around 10mph and with gusts around 20mph. The later you golf on Thursday, the better off you are.
yellow FRI AM - Calm (0-5mph) winds through the morning.
green FRI PM - Winds increase a bit in the afternoon as compared to the morning, but it's still great. Sustained winds 5-10mph through the afternoon.
orange WEEKEND - Saturday looks solid, light AM winds with roughly a 10mph sustained wind in the afternoon. Sunday has a similar "lighter wind in the morning, stronger in the afternoon" pattern, but the winds in general will be more potent, climbing to 15-20mph sustained winds by the afternoon with stronger gusts. Sunday also brings back chances for rain, especially in the afternoon.
yellow OVERALL - Going with a "Late Thursday / Early Friday" wave should help you get the better of both days. I'll stress that the weather Thursday in the early afternoon is still pretty breezy, so the later your golfers are out on the course the better it gets. I'd also keep in mind the advantage early golfers might have Sunday compared to those who are out in the mid-afternoon with stronger gusts and potential storms.