A Duck for All Seasons: GONE A.W.O.L.
The Tournament of Shame has been a fun and exciting experience, but this article is based on my frustration over the last few weeks regarding the event (or maybe it’s because it’s 4:00AM and I can’t sleep). Over the last three weeks, we’ve had one party not follow through on their penalties, and a second not able to follow through on theirs (more on that one in a second). It’s gotten to the point where I’m ready to send furiousfunk out to take care of them.
First, we might as well get mine out of the way. Three weeks ago, I lost the Gosling-Culkin Challenge, where I’d have to wear a T-shirt featuring the winner’s likeness. I am ready to pay my debt, but I am waiting for the winner of that week’s tournament, draftcheat, to send me a picture to wear on a T-shirt. There is a rumor that he will be bringing me a T-shirt to wear at the DFBC, but I have not received clarification if that’s the case, or if he’s just being lazy. Either way, my debt remains unpaid, and for that, readers, I apologize.
As for the other unfulfilled shaming: two weeks ago, a Grinder named “DuBBerZZ” lost the Swimsuit Edition version of the TOS. While there is a dubberzz on Rotogrinders, he has not responded to my messages, and seeing that he has a Dodgers logo on his page, I can only assume that he is a typical L.A. fan – happy to be in the middle of the celebration when they win, but disappearing by the seventh inning when they lose. I believe that he once had a Twitter account, but I think that has mysteriously vanished (or I am hallucinating due to lack of sleep; not sure).
Thankfully, we’ve had good news just moments ago for this past Friday’s results. For the JibJab version, the bottom two teams were to be involved, and CruzInToVictory (our first two-time shamee!) and nrberkeley, a.k.a. OxfordComma, have talked this morning, and here is them paying off their debt. They have officially been shamed! Thanks for playing!
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Friday’s tournament was very exciting, as there were a lot of changes at the top and the bottom. Congratulations to dampkring, who seems to be doing very well the last several months, for winning, edging out our very own db730 and winning a $200 Legends ticket. With the prizes staying the same, people are signing up faster, so get involved quickly!
View Last Week’s Tournament of Shame
And as for the party who has not responded, he is considered a fugitive from the TOS. Our man is considered unarmed and extremely noiseless. Handle with care.
Hopefully, we won’t have any issues with this week’s TOS, an idea brought up in chat by Dean78904. The loser will have to do a video food review from a painful restaurant, be it a Hometown Buffet, a Golden Corral, etc. The restaurant choice can be discussed, but, please, keep in mind that it should be a place you’re not looking forward to attending. And, as always, if you enter and default, the punishment will be worse…
To all the Grinders out there, I hope you win big, but, please, remember to pay your debts, as well, and, lastly …