RG MMA DK GPP Projections
NFL | NBA | MLB | NHL | PGA | WNBA | MMA | NASCAR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CFB | CBB | SOC | TEN | F1 | LOL | CS2 | LIV |
DK GPP | DK Cash | FD GPP | FD Cash |
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About the Author

Dana Forden (Moneyball16)
Dana Forden (aka Moneyball16) is a longtime professional gambler who studied Economics in university before becoming a professional poker player and later moving to DFS. This gambling history, along with being a longtime student of sports analytics, has led to an excellent breadth of knowledge on the intersection between gambling, statistics, and sports. Dana helps lead the NHL content and projections at RotoGrinders, and he is also amongst the top handicappers on our sister site, ScoresAndOdds. In the summer of 2023, Dana was brought on full time with the RotoGrinders Network as an Associate Projections Analyst. Follow Dana on Twitter – @Moneyball16