RotoGrinders Rankings FAQ

RotoGrinders TPOY FAQ

Please visit the RotoGrinders TPOY FAQ for full details on the RotoGrinders Tournament Player of the Year award.

Can You Summarize The RotoGrinders Rankings?

The RotoGrinders Rankings are designed to rank the best players in the Daily Fantasy Sports community.

RotoGrinders collects actual game results from the top Daily Fantasy sites and runs these results through a formula to calculate the RotoGrinders Rankings. Our formula, explained in detail below, credits players based on their win volume and gives bonuses for playing a variety of sports on multiple sites. Our Overall Rankings update every Thursday morning and include data from the last 365 days.

What Are The Requirements For An Event To Qualify For The RotoGrinders Rankings?

Staring December 1, 2021, we will count results with prize pools of at least $25,000 and also have a minimum number of 10 entries.

Three-man leagues, head-to-heads, 50/50’s, double-ups, and multipliers are among the game types that are currently not included in the Rankings. We hope to collect a more robust set of data in the future, but with current data collection limitations, we can at the present time only focus on tournaments that are publicly available in the lobby.

Starting August 18th, 2020 Single-game contests (i.e. DraftKings and FanDuel Showdown contests) will be included in the RotoGrinders Rankings. Showdown contests before this date will not count towards rankings.

If I Enter A Multi-Entry Contest Multiple Times, How Many Of My Cashes Count Towards the Rankings?

Similar to the TPOY Rankings, you can only have one event per contest count towards your Rankings total. Your highest finish will be the result that counts.

How Do You Calculate The Rankings?

There are two aspects that go into the rankings:

Aspect 1) Your individual contest wins in the top 20% of the field and

Aspect 2) Diversity factor multipliers for playing multiple sites and sports.

Aspect 1: Individual Contest Results

Each individual contest result uses the following formula:

Points = Prize2/3

This is a “dampened” points distribution that awards more points for winning a larger prize, without allowing extremely large prizes to “run away” with uncatchable points scored.

Results Criteria: RotoGrinders only receives winning results, so if you finished in the top 20% but didn’t get a prize, you won’t get leaderboard points. If you won a prize but did not finish in the top 20% – which will happen often in a 50/50 – you also won’t get leaderboard points.

Aspect 2: Diversity Factor

You are then awarded a diversity bonus by applying a “Diversity Bonus” to each eligible contest score. The Diversity bonus awards a 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, etc. increase for your second, third, etc. sport such that you are awarded for showing dominance across multiple sports.

Time Period

The Overall leaderboard counts a user’s results from the past 365 Days (one calendar year). Our Overall Rankings rank the best Grinders currently playing in the industry, awarding Grinders who are both consistently and currently performing the best.

Calculation Frequency

Monthly Leaderboards


Every month we reset the monthly leaderboards, giving anyone a shot to take part in our competitive leaderboards and win at any time.

Seasonal Sports Leaderboards

Like to focus your abilities on just one sport? No problem. RotoGrinders also breaks down the best Daily Fantasy contestants in the world by sport. RotoGrinders offers Daily Fantasy Rankings for contestants in any the following Sports Seasons:

Note: Sports Specific Rankings do not utilize a diversity factor

Tiered Rankings

Starting in January 2016, RotoGrinders introduced Tiered rankings that groups players into weight classes based upon a player’s average buy-in (limited to their single, best qualifying score, per tournament). Scores for these rankings are tallied from tournaments that have prize pools greater than $10,000 and do not include live final results. Weight classes were chosen based on a combination of natural buy-in divisions and exponential distribution. The higher the weight class, the fewer the number of members.

Your tier is defined as your average buy-in, counting only one entry per contest such that if you multi-enter 10 entries in a $1 buy-in tournament, that would only count as one entry against your average buy-in for tier categorization. For example, you could have 100 entries in a $1 tournament and 1 entry in a $100 tournament and your average buy-in would be $50.50 ($101/2).

Time range for the Tiered rankings is the last sliding 365 days, and sport diversity bonuses are factored into point totals in the same manner as our overall RotoGrinders Rankings. Tiers are divided into the following groups:

What Is The Theory Behind This System?

This system was initially modeled after the formula used for the Online Poker Rankings, which our team formulated back in 2005. After Beta testing, many heated discussions and way too many spreadsheets from Riley, the system was modified and adapted until we found the best current fit for Daily Fantasy Sports (keeping in mind we only incorporate winning results). We will continuously evolve and improve our system as needed to ensure that it is the best ranking system for Daily Fantasy Sports players in the world.

The RotoGrinders Rankings rewards contestants for competing in larger buy-in tournaments, tournaments with larger fields, and those players that are winning over the long-term of the industry. Any player can enter our rankings and maybe even rise to the top for a period of time, but only top Grinders will consistently stay there.

Why Doesn’t RotoGrinders Utilize A Return On Investment (ROI) Rankings Model?

In compliance with privacy concerns issued by the major Daily Fantasy sites, we only receive a player’s winning results. We have created what we are confident is the best rankings system based on given constraints.

Our mission is to grow the Daily Fantasy industry into the most prosperous and fun sector of online gaming. Thanks for being a part of the growth of this revolutionary industry.

Do Live Event Qualifiers Count Towards My Results?

Yes, as of 2015. Initially we did not count live qualifier results but changed our minds as qualifiers and live tournaments became a more steady and important part of the Daily Fantasy tournament landscape. A live qualifier win is a big deal and we want to make sure players are properly awarded. The actual Live Final results will be manually added and adjusted to our results database after the Live Final event has concluded. All players in a Live Final will receive rankings points.

How Are Qualifier-Only Live Events Counted Towards The Rankings?

Live Finals are graded by artificially shifting the number of entrants such that all finalists are pushed into the top 20% of the field, allowing all finalists to receive points.

Do Freerolls Count Towards My Results?

No, freerolls do not count towards the Results as they don’t have a buy-in.

Commonly Asked Questions & Answers

Why Are My Survivor or Bracket Results Missing?

Survivor & Bracket Contest wins are currently not tracked. Manually submit any Survivor results by following this process. Please only manually submit results that qualify for the TPOY.

How Long Is The Delay For Results Tracking?

It varies by site, but sometimes it can take as long as two days (48 Hours) after your contest has ended for the results to appear on RotoGrinders. If you are missing results from later than a week ago, please email Support at the email address below.

I Cashed In A Contest, But Don’t See My Result. Why Is It Missing?

Likely because of the “20% Rule” – there are two aspects that go into the rankings:

Aspect 1) Your individual contest wins in the top 20% of the field and

Aspect 2) Diversity factor multipliers for playing multiple sites and sports.

May I Change Or Remove My Screen Names From My Profile Without Losing Tracked Results?

FanDuel and DraftKings results are only tracked to your profile while your screen name is entered into your profile, and not retroactively. Please leave your name entered if you’d like your results tracked for these sites.

Why Aren’t My DraftKings Results Appearing In My Profile?

To enable DraftKings results, make sure to enable third-party tracking on your DraftKings Preferences page. You will see the External Tracking section under Preferences, and then check the box:


I’m Still Missing Results. What Can I Do?

If you are still experiencing any other missing results, please email the following to

1) RotoGrinders username
2) Name of Contest
3) Site of contest
4) Date of contest
5) Buy-in amount of contest
6) Number of entries in contest
7) Place finished in contest
8) Amount won in contest

A link to the contest or even screenshots of the contest will also make it much easier for the RotoGrinders team to troubleshoot the issue, so please include if possible.

Last Updated: August 19, 2020

About the Author


RotoGrinders is the heart of the daily fantasy sports community. Let us connect you with strategy, tools, and content that can help you become a better DFS player.