RotoGrinders TPOY FAQ

About The RotoGrinders Tournament Player of the Year (TPOY)


What is the RotoGrinders TPOY?

In a nutshell, the TPOY Leaderboard is a rankings system that tracks the 50 best large-field tournament finishes for each player across DFS sites. The rankings system assigns a point value for each of these finishes and totals them to create the TPOY leaderboard.

What’s the goal of the TPOY?

The TPOY will recognize the most successful Daily Fantasy tournament player each year. As the DFS industry grows, it’s important to validate the expert skill required to consistently win large-field tournaments.

So is the TPOY winner the DFS player who wins the most contests that year?

No. The TPOY is a ranking system exclusively for large-field DFS tournaments of more than 10,000 entries. It does NOT factor in cash game results (such as head-to-head and 50/50 contests). This ensures that every player is on an even playing field and that no one can just enter a large number of contests to overtake the rest of the field. RotoGrinders also currently does not count single-game Showdown contests in its rankings.

Where can I follow the current TPOY standings?

You can find all of our rankings pages via the “Rankings” drop down at the top of every page, or you can use this direct link for the TPOY.

On that page, there are six columns that are as follows:

— Rank: this is the player’s overall rank in the TPOY standings
— Player Name
— Badges: these are the top RotoGrinders badges the player has earned
— Scores: this is how many qualifying scores the player has earned towards the TPOY race. 50 is the maximum.
— Best: this is the best score the player has earned in any one contest
— Pts: this is how many TPOY points the player has earned from their qualifying scores

How can I participate in the TPOY?

— Step 1: Log into your RotoGrinders account
— Step 2: Click on the user icon in the top right corner of the page and go to “Profile”
— Step 3: Click “Edit Screen Names”
— Step 4: Add your screen name for each DFS site you play on
— Step 5: Go forth and dominate your large-field tournaments!

TPOY Scoring

The TPOY scoring system, clarified

While the rankings system sounds pretty straightforward, there are a few criteria that a contest needs to have in order to be eligible to be counted towards the TPOY standings. Each of the following criteria must be met for a result to be included in the TPOY rankings:

— The contest’s prize pool must be at least $10,000
— The contest must have at least 25 entrants
— The player must finish in the top 20% of the field
— The contest must have taken place in that calendar year
— Prizes won in satellite tournaments do not count
— If a player has multiple entries in a tournament, only their best finish is counted
— Only the top 50 scores per year will be counted for a player

Players are then awarded points using a formula based on their finish in the tournament and the prize pool to determine the overall TPOY rankings.

Do live events count?

Prizes won in large, live events will be added to our database manually.

TPOY scoring questions (ADVANCED)

How do you determine the “prize pool” to factor into the TPOY rankings?

Due to the nature of our data feeds, Prize Pool is calculated as buy-in multiplied by total entrants. The Guaranteed Prize Pool amount is not the number we use. Therefore, a $10 buy-in event with 1,000 players would qualify for the TPOY, even if the guaranteed Payout is only $9,000.

How do you calculate the TPOY Points for each individual cash?

TPOY Points use the same formula as the RotoGrinders Rankings. Each individual contest result is calculated using the following formula:

Points = Prize2/3

This is a “dampened” points distribution that awards more points for winning a larger prize, without allowing extremely large prizes to “run away” with uncatchable points scored.

Results Criteria: RotoGrinders only receives winning results, so if you finished in the top 20% but didn’t get a prize, you won’t get leaderboard points. If you won a prize but did not finish in the top 20% – which will happen often in a 50/50 – you also won’t get leaderboard points.

Do “Bracket” tournaments count toward the TPOY?

Yes, they do, but they must be manually entered (Bracket results are not included in our standard feeds). Since adding results manually is a time-consuming process for our development team, we limit the ability to add these results only to RotoGrinders members who are A) Ranked in the Top 100 of the TPOY OR B) Finished in the Top 10 of a Bracket Tournament with a $25,000 or larger prizepool. If you have a result to add that fits this criteria, then send the following to

1) Your RotoGrinders Username and Site Username
2) A link to Round 1 of the bracket tournament (to verify)
3) A link to the Final round of the bracket tournament (to verify)
4) The maximum # of entrants that were possible Round 1
5) The actual # of entrants that competed
6) The buy-in
7) The place you finished
8) The prize you won

Note: Bracket results will be treated the same as a normal GPP/Tournament result. Example: if you finish 8th in a bracket which had 1,400 entrants and a $100 buy-in, you will be awarded the same points as if you finished 8th of 1,400 in a $100 GPP/Tournament.

Does the Diversity Factor apply to TPOY?

The Diversity Factor does not apply to TPOY Race, only Grinder Rankings, Monthly GLB and Seasonal GLB.

What is the difference with the Grinder Rankings, Monthly GLB, Seasonal GLB and TPOY?

TPOY’s sole purpose is to crown the best player of the year based on performance in the biggest Daily Fantasy contests. Full details on the other rankings systems can be found at the RotoGrinders Rankings FAQ page.

Still Have Questions?

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About the Author


RotoGrinders is the heart of the daily fantasy sports community. Let us connect you with strategy, tools, and content that can help you become a better DFS player.