SPORTS CARD GRINDERS - Million Dollar Sports Cards!

SportsCardInvestor’s Geoff Wilson joins the Sports Card Grinders to talk about the state of the card market. As we have another record sale of a Mike Trout rookie card for $4 million, we examine if the market is overheating or are the major brands taking the necessary precautions to prevent a repeat of the 1990’s junk wax era? Plus we take a look at the price action in NBA cards during the playoffs and how we might want to approach buying football cards before the start of the NFL season.

About the Author

Simon Edwards (Pumacom)

Simon is a long-time sports card collector who spent the majority of his cash as a kid investing in cards to sell at card shows. In 2009-2010 he owned an affiliate collectables website along with sports-card legend, Don West, where they did box breaks and sold cards. Simon recently got back into sports card investing after the market reset itself and investability returned to the market.