Yards Per Gretch: Week 10

Ben Gretch, Editor in Chief of Fantasy Insiders, takes an ultra-high resolution look at the upcoming NFL week. If you haven’t yet been introduced to Ben’s level of thinking, get ready for great takes loaded with analytical insight.

Week 10

As we approach Week 10, it’s important to recognize where we’re at in the season. We’re comfortably to the point where things are well-defined, and we’re collectively confident in what we know about the 2018 season. And yet, NFL history tells us many of the season’s biggest storylines are still yet to be written. There will be more breakouts, there will be major swings in value, and the typical weekly variance we know exists in football will continue to rear its head.

Stay vigilant out there. If there’s one thing I know, it’s the point when I think I have the NFL figured out is the exact time I need to remember the value of being contrarian. Let’s get to the picks.

Exploitable Situations

I’ve been a card-carrying member of the “pay up for stud RBs” club all year, but I love the mid-range at the RB position this week, and will have plenty of balanced roster constructions in tournaments. One advantage to that is getting up to Travis Kelce at TE, and he again has a much higher range from floor to ceiling than anyone else at his position, as I discussed last week.

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