Projections are posted after final practice, and will be updated with any driver news that affects them.

DK Cup FD Cup XFINITY Trucks
Tyler Tomassi 5200 D 20 3
Luke Fenhaus 6500 D 31 16.4
William Sawalich 6600 D 41.6 39.7
Daniel Dye 6900 D 30 10.1
Marco Andretti 6800 D 18.8 3.8
Layne Riggs 7800 D 32.7 22.2

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About the Author

Stephen Young (stevietpfl)

The Head of Motorsports at RotoGrinders and the long-time host of the popular Morning Grind podcast, Stephen Young (aka stevietpfl) has been one of the top NASCAR, NFL, NBA, and MLB analysts in the industry since its inception. He has accumulated numerous Live Final seats and is a multiple-time finalist for the Fantasy Sports Writers Association Racing Writer of the Year. Follow Stevie on Twitter – @stevietpfl