The Bopper Effect: How Batters Benefit from Hitting in Front of or Behind a Big Hitter
Back in the day, I nerded out hardcore over baseball cards. I bought these puppies, read all of the stats on the back, plugged them in protective sleeves and tucked them away safely in my room. It was dope and totally not lame at all.
As my collection started to grow, I developed a desire to get entire team sets. Specifically, the cards of my Minnesota Twins. Once I knew which players I needed, I would hunt these suckas down like nobody’s business.
Because I was trying to collect the entire team, it meant I valued certain players’ cards more than they would generally be worth. For example, ain’t nobody in these streets trying to snatch a Cristian Guzman card. His own Momma traded his card for an unsharpened No. 2 pencil. However, because of his situation, he had a higher value for me than he would for others. This is a concept we can also find in daily fantasy baseball.