Tournament Player of the Year

updated daily at 4am - FAQ
Rank Scores Best Pts
1200 jsandman61
50 965.49 2,939
50 464.16 2,936
1202 jaquestrap
50 208.01 2,929
1203 wphsu99
50 1357.21 2,928
1204 cc141316
50 736.81 2,927
1205 MattS13
50 292.40 2,924
1206 BigLosingBear
50 854.99 2,919
1207 ppassafiume
50 854.99 2,919
1208 forcewithme
33 736.81 2,912
1209 exumian
50 292.40 2,910
1210 PresidentLeach
50 292.40 2,908
50 965.49 2,907
1212 rjrat84
50 383.15 2,906
1213 flraddy
50 464.16 2,905
1214 jdbenjamin
50 464.16 2,905
1215 cxs261
50 292.40 2,905
1216 sportspoolguy
50 464.16 2,898
1217 dillon125
50 464.16 2,896
1218 dajohns8vt
50 2154.43 2,895
1219 DarryPro
50 464.16 2,890
1220 jquillen
50 383.15 2,890
1221 drewbos11
50 736.81 2,888
1222 MacBlast
50 292.40 2,882
1223 tommyboy42609
50 292.40 2,880
1224 hl1976
50 464.16 2,880
1225 Echad252
50 1357.21 2,873
1226 hithisisnom
50 1357.21 2,873
1227 Kobe108
50 464.16 2,872
1228 mjrlaw2342
50 464.16 2,871
1229 Gtd24
50 251.98 2,870
1230 aquafinatim
50 251.98 2,861
1231 MAS47
26 1357.21 2,860
50 736.81 2,858
1233 linkcalhoun
50 736.81 2,855
1234 pfm721
50 608.22 2,854
1235 cpap14
38 330.19 2,849
1236 jmonies
50 2154.43 2,846
1237 ASchet24
50 965.49 2,841
1238 TheLuuch
50 158.74 2,840
1239 milo_frontel
50 1357.21 2,838
1240 mblack412
50 965.49 2,833
1241 zapf75
50 464.16 2,833
1242 mjmart23
50 608.22 2,819
1243 Cobra_Kai
50 2154.43 2,818
1244 honorio4
50 854.99 2,813
1245 Spawn24K
50 2154.43 2,812
1246 burghfan79
50 2154.43 2,809
1247 HeroFnStatus
50 2154.43 2,805
1248 almelo95
50 184.20 2,803
1249 Poochy16
50 464.16 2,802