Tournament Player of the Year

updated daily at 4am - FAQ
Rank Scores Best Pts
1349 agblake622
50 158.74 2,588
1350 FatMike
50 736.81 2,587
1351 thediesel46
29 292.40 2,586
1352 BobbyHare911
50 251.98 2,586
1353 SmellTheGlove
39 1169.61 2,586
1354 RayKinsella329
50 292.40 2,581
1355 uscsteve
50 184.20 2,580
1356 ihaveareputation
50 292.40 2,579
1357 ELopez432
50 2154.43 2,573
1358 jseating
50 464.16 2,572
1359 wambamthankyoumaams
50 965.49 2,567
1360 bogey09
50 464.16 2,566
1361 lche420
50 854.99 2,564
1362 Eschac1
45 464.16 2,563
1363 jclehmann4
50 736.81 2,563
1364 kellentaylor
50 965.49 2,560
1365 k1ng_chief
50 736.81 2,559
1366 Gman0150
50 292.40 2,559
1367 Jhc123
50 230.52 2,552
1368 SleepyW
50 464.16 2,552
1369 daleman70
50 454.64 2,551
1370 abcampbell
50 965.49 2,548
1371 Boweryomama
50 965.49 2,547
1372 Stajodo7
50 854.99 2,546
1373 afcangelo
50 292.40 2,543
1374 Justajoe4u
50 1357.21 2,541
1375 Weightz21
20 1357.21 2,537
1376 exportdawg
50 208.01 2,536
1377 csharrel1
50 965.49 2,535
1378 Rpolak24
50 292.40 2,534
1379 jaysu5
50 292.40 2,533
1380 Isabella1974
50 1357.21 2,532
1381 Derik1509
50 464.16 2,528
1382 jsteed22
50 365.93 2,526
1383 DFSProdigy
50 383.15 2,521
1384 nepats1345
50 1169.61 2,519
1385 nhrocks
50 1357.21 2,515
1386 nbonaddio
28 736.81 2,514
1387 gatorchomp15
48 736.81 2,509
1388 alexeagles10
50 292.40 2,509
1389 adrian432
50 736.81 2,507
1390 reasonproducer
50 608.22 2,504
1391 coming_up_short
50 736.81 2,503
1392 bamafan69
50 965.49 2,503
1393 Dshel011
32 2154.43 2,499
1394 jnick39
50 2154.43 2,498
1395 Brbloomy
50 292.40 2,497
1396 wetwoody
50 184.20 2,495
1397 BigRockDolo
50 208.01 2,494
1398 cstcst
50 131.04 2,493