Tournament Player of the Year

updated daily at 4am - FAQ
Rank Scores Best Pts
1549 davis2543
50 208.01 2,246
1550 Mistermist
50 1357.21 2,245
1551 CubWoods15
50 608.22 2,245
1552 gingerhammers
50 608.22 2,244
1553 toowitty
50 736.81 2,243
1554 Jrocker22
50 464.16 2,240
50 208.01 2,240
1556 Jcicc
50 292.40 2,239
1557 MCEscher
50 251.98 2,239
1558 Dville7
50 854.99 2,239
1559 Tiger4Life44
50 292.40 2,239
1560 RustyJonesNH
50 464.16 2,238
1561 Shootamac
50 464.16 2,237
1562 jman9030
50 736.81 2,237
1563 travwool
41 1357.21 2,235
1564 Sommer716
50 965.49 2,235
1565 Artino11
39 292.40 2,234
1566 thesportsfan
50 736.81 2,232
1567 cckings505
50 464.16 2,230
1568 dcmayes
50 292.40 2,228
1569 micofchrist2004
50 736.81 2,219
1570 Willmatic
50 292.40 2,219
1571 drew1121
50 292.40 2,217
1572 ddelaney20
14 2154.43 2,217
1573 AAnicete
50 1357.21 2,216
1574 metsfan828
50 330.19 2,216
1575 mkipe19
50 292.40 2,213
1576 CrazyLegs
16 464.16 2,210
1577 DGAS33
50 736.81 2,209
1578 Carsonjones32
50 292.40 2,209
1579 floydian80
50 330.19 2,208
1580 deftist
50 464.16 2,207
1581 AtticusA01
50 158.74 2,207
1582 DBoogie
50 1357.21 2,207
1583 yzh19920918
50 184.20 2,206
1584 beast8812
41 464.16 2,206
1585 bfw214
50 365.93 2,205
1586 NLFF
50 464.16 2,201
1587 delesboyd
38 464.16 2,201
1588 smccard20
50 383.15 2,201
1589 jeridanj84
50 464.16 2,198
1590 pronk23
50 464.16 2,196
1591 crontastic
50 292.40 2,195
1592 Velllo
50 464.16 2,193
1593 bluhorseshoe
50 464.16 2,192
1594 Sqweatybalz
50 464.16 2,192
1595 Howz_219
50 251.98 2,191
1596 ByrnieMac21
50 131.04 2,190
1597 jbeesee
50 292.40 2,189
1598 hausy22
50 608.22 2,189