Tournament Player of the Year

updated daily at 4am - FAQ
Rank Scores Best Pts
2099 m994770
50 464.16 1,694
2100 Kiedis1022
50 292.40 1,692
2101 SteelerCat
50 292.40 1,692
2102 UncleJeffe
50 736.81 1,691
2103 Sshackletonjr
35 464.16 1,690
2104 Uheameboi23
50 100.00 1,688
2105 wmfloyd43
50 464.16 1,687
2106 sbaugh25
50 71.14 1,686
2107 FastPointScores
50 965.49 1,685
2108 trebelg9
50 131.04 1,684
2109 84dolphins
50 736.81 1,682
2110 Zsmiley
14 432.67 1,682
2111 Jake48
50 208.01 1,679
2112 djhessle
50 292.40 1,679
2113 FootballinbigD
50 854.99 1,677
2114 chaffy
50 251.98 1,676
2115 superstar121
50 131.04 1,675
2116 alomar15
34 330.19 1,674
2117 Juseman9
41 965.49 1,673
2118 wtfbra
50 464.16 1,672
2119 nickuation
50 131.04 1,672
2120 thenatezimmerly
50 292.40 1,672
2121 tohara11
50 965.49 1,671
2122 Jaycee37
50 854.99 1,670
2123 LargeSarge
50 292.40 1,670
2124 Trob2052
50 464.16 1,669
2125 coreyjohnson
50 292.40 1,669
2126 Bogie01
50 131.04 1,668
2127 youngkaiser740
50 131.04 1,668
2128 MayTheLuckBeWithYou
50 1169.61 1,668
2129 ttucowboy84
50 464.16 1,667
2130 raiderz2871
50 464.16 1,665
2131 ddetrani6
50 464.16 1,665
2132 jp1710
50 464.16 1,664
2133 wmgilpin
50 208.01 1,663
2134 HeelsFan81
50 608.22 1,662
2135 jjesch14
50 383.15 1,662
2136 thredChills
50 1169.61 1,662
2137 sbud_78
50 1169.61 1,662
2138 Kcjhawk3
50 292.40 1,662
2139 Doublejay01
50 464.16 1,661
2140 marvindog
37 208.01 1,660
2141 Mghtank
50 736.81 1,659
2142 mistermoneybags
50 736.81 1,659
2143 Duncjones35
46 208.01 1,657
2144 Jolly88
50 736.81 1,656
2145 sfg123abc
50 131.04 1,656
2146 rataner
35 330.19 1,655
2147 Chabomn
50 608.22 1,654
2148 Rdlowe14
50 1169.61 1,654