Tournament Player of the Year

updated daily at 4am - FAQ
Rank Scores Best Pts
2249 ZTownClown
47 383.15 1,571
2250 BDholla89
50 251.98 1,571
2251 blu3Cookie
50 736.81 1,571
2252 volsrule21
50 464.16 1,571
2253 Kcain1982
50 464.16 1,569
2254 db730
50 100.00 1,569
2255 cbarret2
50 464.16 1,569
2256 moopoom
50 608.22 1,568
2257 Mikedejuan83
50 965.49 1,568
2258 ncprowrstlngfn
50 292.40 1,568
2259 louba5
50 608.22 1,566
2260 acpthedon
50 71.14 1,565
2261 Stonesalltheway
50 208.01 1,563
2262 Glory2god1971
50 464.16 1,563
2263 Batavia514
50 292.40 1,563
2264 Slayton16
50 208.01 1,561
2265 Olscash
48 208.01 1,560
2266 blender
50 736.81 1,556
2267 pitpanther01
33 854.99 1,554
2268 TeamUGA_29
50 208.01 1,554
2269 TMallinson
50 89.73 1,554
2270 Statler
42 100.00 1,553
2271 Njborn
50 292.40 1,550
2272 SepticMan
50 292.40 1,550
2273 SynZin
50 854.99 1,549
2274 nevertilt22
50 1169.61 1,548
2275 cleg25
50 608.22 1,548
2276 Kevmaniac
23 330.19 1,547
2277 garysavoy
50 464.16 1,546
2278 Ken_AA
50 383.15 1,546
2279 mlroundtree20
50 854.99 1,545
2280 JayKooks
50 348.29 1,545
2281 muddogs10
50 464.16 1,542
2282 btarts
50 464.16 1,541
2283 redsox994
50 100.00 1,541
2284 dooger1234
50 292.40 1,540
2285 MasonKellett
50 131.04 1,539
2286 shawnbr85
50 1069.99 1,538
2287 bentheboss5
50 854.99 1,538
2288 TheSJ40
50 116.04 1,536
2289 makemyday
50 330.19 1,535
2290 Milhead2
50 208.01 1,535
2291 BallSoHardy7
50 965.49 1,535
2292 Baggman71
50 251.98 1,534
2293 blenderhd
50 608.22 1,534
2294 Dmort21
50 736.81 1,533
2295 gonekiteboarding
50 608.22 1,532
2296 siyu798
50 464.16 1,531
2297 buckhumm
50 464.16 1,531
2298 bother7
37 292.40 1,527