Tournament Player of the Year

updated daily at 4am - FAQ
Rank Scores Best Pts
2349 aanderson1315
50 292.40 1,482
2350 freakydwj
50 854.99 1,480
2351 Jaybizzle3
32 100.00 1,480
2352 Pumacom
50 365.93 1,476
2353 Jerseyguy25
50 464.16 1,476
2354 Hchawk89
50 854.99 1,476
2355 cstart
50 464.16 1,475
2356 SteamRoxorz
50 608.22 1,475
2357 Cocomilk
50 464.16 1,475
2358 sutogame
50 292.40 1,474
2359 LaneysDaddy
50 854.99 1,473
2360 heel15
50 464.16 1,472
2361 Brandeny
50 736.81 1,471
2362 yankeeman3293
50 251.98 1,471
2363 Chumking
50 184.20 1,471
2364 joshlsuggs
50 736.81 1,471
2365 donnybasbl
50 292.40 1,470
2366 Mitchkj25
50 131.04 1,470
2367 rasheed6
50 292.40 1,470
2368 Klhetrick
50 736.81 1,467
2369 imsparticus
50 112.92 1,466
2370 Galante118
50 292.40 1,466
2371 Redzonexpress
50 208.01 1,465
2372 cmack13912
50 608.22 1,464
2373 dpapa01
50 464.16 1,463
2374 Rainmker
50 158.74 1,463
2375 ineedmoney23
50 464.16 1,462
2376 specvspeed03
45 854.99 1,462
2377 LEEK44
50 854.99 1,462
2378 smw88
50 208.01 1,461
2379 b14moore
50 208.01 1,461
2380 billsfan777
47 330.19 1,461
2381 Mandos
50 464.16 1,461
2382 esco2311
50 383.15 1,461
2383 rayrice5
50 292.40 1,460
2384 Jzanette2
50 208.01 1,460
2385 sbmitchell
50 365.93 1,459
2386 lmkjr2015
50 464.16 1,459
2387 gowvu50
50 464.16 1,458
2388 albrechp
50 464.16 1,458
2389 kbhagat80
50 184.20 1,457
2390 gregybaby77
2 1357.21 1,457
2391 rjgoepel
50 208.01 1,457
2392 ATLSoulchild
50 330.19 1,457
2393 natchezboy
50 965.49 1,457
2394 ajimale08
50 464.16 1,455
2395 BonkuR
50 82.55 1,455
2396 Cubbies724
19 464.16 1,454
2397 eugene521
50 464.16 1,453
2398 mmoore114
50 383.15 1,453