Tournament Player of the Year

updated daily at 4am - FAQ
Rank Scores Best Pts
1649 Brinson
50 292.40 2,118
1650 Broseidon13
50 251.98 2,116
1651 stagsonasty
50 158.74 2,116
1652 Zeahawk
50 158.74 2,114
1653 sydthekid087
50 736.81 2,113
1654 sochoice
50 251.98 2,112
1655 bb11
50 1357.21 2,111
1656 SlimBoMangler
50 184.20 2,111
1657 Stevegvp
50 464.16 2,109
1658 99whammer99
50 131.04 2,107
1659 Anthonykorobellis
50 251.98 2,106
1660 letmesignupplease
50 674.05 2,105
1661 johnwelshtweets
50 158.74 2,102
1662 migthetig
50 292.40 2,102
1663 b3willy
18 464.16 2,102
1664 oxboy27
50 608.22 2,101
1665 forkplate
50 383.15 2,101
1666 Soxfever51
50 736.81 2,100
1667 CrucifyDiesel
50 1357.21 2,100
1668 treydru21
44 736.81 2,100
1669 CH1NN
50 1357.21 2,096
1670 Ipt007
50 251.98 2,096
1671 EBR
50 292.40 2,095
1672 dhosc2
50 854.99 2,092
1673 z1mcgill
50 251.98 2,090
1674 estock82
50 1357.21 2,089
1675 Ironm1keV
50 1169.61 2,089
1676 Sleazygreazy
50 184.20 2,088
1677 Linsanity88
50 158.74 2,084
1678 Ficknosterism
50 116.04 2,079
1679 rgammon4
50 464.16 2,077
1680 da858
50 464.16 2,073
1681 weazel8
50 208.01 2,073
1682 Nuggets
50 464.16 2,073
1683 lamp3122
50 736.81 2,072
1684 kspollar
50 292.40 2,069
1685 johnmtyl
50 330.19 2,069
1686 gmoney247
50 1357.21 2,063
1687 joshm_82_06_11
50 608.22 2,063
1688 Ishaan23
50 208.01 2,062
1689 Amarengo
50 736.81 2,062
1690 IAMLorde
50 184.20 2,061
1691 mrete
50 383.15 2,059
1692 twelfthsiren
50 464.16 2,058
1693 neech74
50 608.22 2,058
1694 shadytd
50 1357.21 2,057
1695 peteymac1313
50 854.99 2,057
1696 awainscott
50 464.16 2,057
1697 rthill08
50 736.81 2,057
1698 yorkmanwvu
50 464.16 2,056