Tournament Player of the Year

updated daily at 4am - FAQ
Rank Scores Best Pts
1699 GBRollClones
50 208.01 2,055
1700 bjbrian12345
50 184.20 2,055
1701 IHaveAJob95
50 1357.21 2,053
1702 a_400ft_hr
50 184.20 2,052
1703 badatwinning
50 965.49 2,049
1704 jagan_b
50 965.49 2,046
1705 kfiott13
50 965.49 2,044
1706 tburhop
50 854.99 2,044
1707 Jflash29x
50 736.81 2,042
1708 awk134
50 1169.61 2,042
1709 dlandau12
50 464.16 2,037
1710 ilovethakush
50 736.81 2,037
1711 stefan9229
50 251.98 2,036
1712 jasonbr555
50 464.16 2,035
1713 justinnoble
33 292.40 2,034
1714 rleejr0801
50 292.40 2,032
1715 ayolessonhere
47 330.19 2,030
1716 wojcik19
50 156.54 2,029
1717 StarFox01
50 184.20 2,029
1718 dafulv
50 965.49 2,029
1719 blackbearded
50 292.40 2,029
1720 carlbevilacqua
50 131.04 2,027
1721 wnyfootball
50 330.19 2,025
1722 toby3826
50 464.16 2,023
1723 nymetsfan99
50 292.40 2,023
1724 jhinojos44
50 1357.21 2,022
1725 SexyPaiGow
50 383.15 2,022
1726 Morrow2074
50 292.40 2,022
1727 shaikhfahad302
50 383.15 2,020
1728 Sblum2711
50 736.81 2,019
1729 epab2350
50 208.01 2,016
1730 draarona
50 608.22 2,016
1731 reno1100
50 736.81 2,013
1732 cdagostino93
50 464.16 2,013
1733 Whipcreek
50 365.93 2,012
1734 gflem800
50 464.16 2,012
1735 JPStaxx
26 1357.21 2,006
1736 paytooless
50 965.49 2,005
1737 Kacktrey7
50 383.15 2,003
1738 Dommerspix15
50 854.99 2,003
1739 twolves41
50 383.15 2,001
1740 nygigante
50 131.04 2,001
1741 haythemk
19 608.22 2,000
1742 codygracyalny
50 736.81 2,000
1743 joalmighty
50 365.93 2,000
50 464.16 1,999
1745 Moorah
50 464.16 1,998
1746 VadinBaron
37 464.16 1,997
1747 vanekjordan
50 464.16 1,996
1748 trapmaan
47 131.04 1,995